Livestock Exhibits

Click HERE for Little Pee Wee (ages 4 and under) Livestock Exhibitor Rules and Regulations
CERTIFICATES OF VETERINARY INSPECTION AND ENTRY PERMITS: "Certificate of veterinary inspection" refers to a legible record (made on an official form issued from the state of origin) by an accredited veterinarian, which shows that the animals listed thereon meet health requirements of the state of destination. It must bear the identification of each animal and separate certificates must be made for each species of animal entered. Entry permits are required on all out-of-state swine, rodeo bulls unless they are tested within thirty (30) days of entry, psittacines, passerines, ratites, all other avian species except poultry and turkeys, cervids, camelids, or exotic animals. Permits are also required on all cattle entering Arkansas from any state that is not a tuberculosis free state, unless that state has a reciprocal agreement with Arkansas. Permit numbers can be obtained from the state veterinarian's office (501) 907-2400 from 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. A certificate of veterinary inspection must accompany all out-of-state animals; and
(a) Must be available on request by animal health officials.
(b) Individually identify all animals, showing positive identification of each animal by tattoo, ear tag, registration number or ear notch. Steers should be identified by description.
(c) Show required tests, vaccinations, and entry permit number, if applicable.
(d) Show name and address of owner or exhibitor - this shall be the same name as under which animals are exhibited.
Any animal or poultry showing any evidence of infectious or contagious disease, or of external parasitism, and animals with active ringworm lesions (with the resulting less of hair), multiple warts easily visible without close examination, or atrophic rhinitis, will not be permitted to exhibit.
All animals entering the grounds, including those shown in pet zoos, children's barnyard animals, Old McDonald Farms, etc. must meet requirements of their particular species.
All animals originating out of areas quarantined because of other diseases (vesicular stomatitis, scabies, etc.) shall not be permitted to enter the state and are prohibited from entering Arkansas regardless of test history.
OTHER OUT-OF-STATE TAME OR EXOTIC ANIMALS Please call State Veterinarian's office for information and permits.
1. All animals entering the grounds, including those showing in pet zoos, children's barnyard animals, Old McDonald Farms, etc. must meet the requirements of their particular species.
2. Arkansas livestock (except for Arkansas sheep, goats, horses, steers and rabbits) must be accompanied by a certificate of veterinary inspection issued within ninety (90) days prior to exhibition, showing the following:
1. If Arkansas is a Class Free State, Arkansas cattle are exempt from brucellosis testing. If Arkansas is not a Class Free State then the following testing requirements must be met:
Negative brucellosis test within ninety (90) days prior to exhibition, for females and bulls eighteen (18) months of age and over. All heifers that have calved or are bred must be tested. Animals originating from:
(a) Certified Brucellosis Free Herd are exempt if the Certified Free Herd number is shown on certificate.
(b) All heifers that are four to twelve (4-12) months of age shall be vaccinated before entering show.
(c) Heifers that were born on or after January 1, 2012, that are over twelve (12) months of age and are not official calfhood vaccinates will not be allowed to show (unless they are from a Brucellosis Certified Free Herd.) This will not apply if Arkansas continues as a Brucellosis Free State.
(d) All rodeo stock exhibited at a rodeo in Arkansas must meet the out of state requirements for brucellosis and tuberculosis for twelve (12) month and older bulls, roping and dogging steers, and heifers even if the rodeo stock originates from Arkansas. Tie down roping calves are exempt from the tuberculosis testing requirements. The exception is a CVI within the state is good for ninety (90) days instead of thirty (30) days.
1. As of July 1, 2001, all swine must have an official premise identification.
2. Animals six (6) months old or older to be tested negative for brucellosis within ninety (90) days of exhibition or originate directly out of a Validated Herd, with Validation number and date of last herd test shown on certificate (barrows exempt from brucellosis testing, but must be pseudorabies tested.)
3. Animals to be tested negative for pseudorabies regardless of age within ninety (90) days of the exhibition on a test approved by the state veterinarian or originate directly out of a Qualified Pseudorabies Free Herd, with Qualified Herd number and date of last test shown on certificate.
4. Free of other contagious, infectious, and communicable diseases (erysipelas, atrophic, rhinitis, etc.); otherwise they will not be allowed to show and will be released from fairgrounds.
Exhibition officials must maintain records of all sheep and goats that are exhibited for a period of five years, to include:
(a) Identification Number
(b) Flock status as defined by the Voluntary Flock Certification Program.
(c) The name, complete address and phone number of the owner. All instate sheep and goats in the state of Arkansas must be identified by an official USDA tag (scrapie tag) or for goats a legible official goat registry tattoo if accompanied by a registration certificate. Fair personnel, veterinarians, or state-federal personnel may examine sheep on grounds. Any sheep showing clinical symptoms of Scrapie shall be immediately quarantined in isolation and required to undergo any approved diagnostic tests and shall be consigned to slaughter or destruction with submission of tissues to an approved diagnostic laboratory at the exhibitor's expense.
Rabbits will be inspected on grounds. No rabbits showing symptoms of disease will be allowed to show.
All rabbits must have a permanent tattoo in the left ear.
Negative FLA test required within the past twelve (12) months for all animals over six (6) months of age. Nursing foals under six (6) months of age are exempt from testing if accompanied by negative tested dams. Photocopies of the test papers will not be accepted; carbon copies are acceptable.
1. Certificate of veterinary inspection.
2. Negative cervical tuberculosis test within ninety
(90) days.
3. Negative brucellosis test within ninety (90) days;
4. Or originate from a Certified Brucellosis-Free and Accredited Tuberculosis Free Cervid Herd;
5. Or originate from a Brucellosis-Monitored and a Qualified Tuberculosis Cervid Herd within ninety (90) days of exhibition.
1. Individually identified, and certificate of veterinary inspection within ninety (90) days of exhibition.
2. Registration papers when accompanied by registry photographs of the animal are acceptable identification.
1. Certificate of veterinary inspection.
2. Negative avian influenza test within ninety (90) days.
3. Permanent identification.
An official representing the exhibition shall notify the state veterinarian no later than thirty (30) days prior to the exhibition, giving names, place, inclusive dates, and time of the event.
The requirements are as follows:
1. All in-state poultry, which includes domesticated game birds, quail, pheasants, peafowl, guineas, and turkeys, present at exhibition in Arkansas shall have originated from U.S. Pullorum-Typhoid Clean or equivalent flocks or have had a negative Pullorum-Typhoid test within ninety (90) days of the movement to the exhibition (pullorum-typhoid testing on fairgrounds during the fair is prohibited.) This information will be documented on a NPIP Form VS 9-3, 90 Certificate, NPIP Flock Certification Form or similar certificate that will accompany the poultry during exhibition.
2. All non-certified birds must be banded (leg or wing band), with a sealed band. Wrap-around plastic bands are not acceptable. In-state waterfowl are exempt from pullorum-typhoid requirements.
3. Any poultry showing evidence of infectious or contagious disease or insect infestation will not be permitted to exhibit.
4. Record Keeping - The sponsor of the exhibition shall compile a list of all poultry present at exhibition. This list shall contain the name and address of each owner, the number, the species, breed, variety, type, sex, and pullorum-typhoid status of all poultry present. A copy of this shall be returned by the sponsor of the exhibition for at least twelve (12) months.
Please call State Veterinarian's office for information and permit.
Rules for Livestock - Pike County Fair
These rules apply to the Pike County Fair only!
If you are exhibiting your animal at any other fair you will need to follow the rules for that fair.
1. Pike County Fair Board reserves final and absolute right to interpret these rules and regulations and arbitrarily settle all matters in regard thereto or otherwise arising out of, connected with, or incidental to the fair.
2. Pike County Fair Board reserves the right to amend or sold to these rules, as they may deem advisable.
3. All exhibitors may only show livestock, rabbits, and poultry in one county and must fall under one of the following conditions:
be a member of a Pike Co FFA Chapter
be a member of a Pike Co 4-H Club
Be a member of a bordering county 4-H Club AND live within the legal boundaries of a Pike Co School District (Centerpoint, Kirby, South Pike County)
You must have ownership and possession of your animal no later than August 1 of the current year.
4. The Pike County Fair Board reserves the right to reject or accept any exhibit before or after entry is made.
5. All Livestock including chickens and rabbits must be pre-registered prior to the fair on the Official Entry Form. This form must be mailed to: Pike County Fair Assn. P.O. Box 497, Glenwood, AR 71943.
6. All animals must be owned and in the possession of the exhibitor by August 1. All forms for Junior Exhibitors must be postmarked on or before August 1 of the current year. All forms for Open Exhibitors and breeding stock and commercial heifers must be postmarked on or before August 1. All animals not meeting pre-registration rules will be allowed to show, but WILL NOT be allowed to participate in the Premium Sale.
7. The Pike County Fair does not undertake and shall not be held responsible for any loss or damage to livestock or property of the owners thereof.
8. All Livestock Health Papers should accompany exhibitor at the time of arrival and be available at all times.
9. Livestock must be on fairgrounds by noon on Monday of the Pike County Fair.
10. ANY exhibit not on the fairgrounds by the time listed in the rules or removed from the grounds shall forfeit any earned premium monies
11. ALL competing entries shall be entered in the name of the owner.
12. ALL exhibits will be exhibited by the owner of that exhibit. Unless exhibitor has more than one animal in the same class. Then and only then another exhibitor showing livestock at the Pike County Fair may exhibit one of the animals during that competition.
13. All livestock exhibitors should have control of their animal. After the animal breaks away from the exhibitor three times, the judge has permission to dismiss the exhibitor from the ring. NO animal may be exhibited by a non-owner.
All classes of Market animals will be divided equally by weight.
Breeding Beef - JUNIOR AND OPEN
1. All cattle must be on the fairgrounds by Monday at noon. ​
3. All breeds will be shown separately.
4. Each exhibitor must have his animal trained to lead and to stand while it is being judged in the show arena.
5. All animals must be disease free and are subject to testing.
6. Each exhibitor is responsible for all care, feeding and watering of his animals.
7. Showmanship contest will be held immediately following the completion of the cattle division.
8. Registration papers are required upon entry and will be checked by superintendent in cattle barn on Monday during weigh-in.
9. All registered livestock must have registered papers under exhibitors name with 100% ownership and animal must have tattoo matching papers.
10. Livestock will receive the following points:
JUNIOR POINTS 50 40 30 20 10
OPEN POINTS 25 20 15 10 5
GRAND CHAMPION: Rosette will be awarded to Grand and Reserve Grand in each breed.
Premiums will not be paid until stalls or pens are cleaned.
All cattle exhibits will be released at midnight Saturday following the midway closing. Cattle removed before this time will forfeit all premium money.
All cattle may be shown in only one class, excluding champion class.
Department 23 - Breeding Beef OPEN
Department 24 - Breeding Beef JUNIOR
Brangus K.
Charloais L.
Chianina M.
Maine Anjou
Santa Gertrudis
Other Recognized Breed
1. Junior Heifer Calves calved on or after January 1, current year
2. Winter Heifer Calves, November 1 - December 31, last year
3. Senior Heifer Calves, September 1 - October 31, last year
4. Late Summer Yearling Heifers, July 1 - August 31, last year
5. Early Summer Yearling Heifers, May 1 - June 30, last year
6. Spring Yearling Heifers, March 1 - April 30, last year
7. Junior Yearling Females, January 1 - February 28, last year
8. Senior Yearling Females, September 1 - December 31, 2 years back
9. Grand Champion Female
10. Reserve Champion Female
11. Cow/ Calf Pairs, Any female older than above ages with a calf at side. Calf cannot be over 9 months of age.
12. Cow/Calf Reserve Champion, 2nd prize pair from Class 11
Junior Bull Calves calved on or after January 1, current year
Winter Bull Calves, November 1 - December 31, last year
Senior Bull Calves, September 1 - October 31, last year
Late Summer Yearling Bulls, July 1 - August 21, last year
Early Summer Yearling Bulls, May 1 - June 30, last year
Spring Yearling Bulls, March 1 - April 30, last year
Junior Yearling Bulls, January 1 - February 28, last year
Senior Yearling Bulls, July 1 - December 31, 2 years back
Two-Year-Old Bulls, January 1 - June 30, 2 years back
Grand Champion Bull
Reserve Champion Bull
Department 25 - Commercial Heifers - Grade Heifers JUNIOR
Heifers will be divided into not more than 3 classes based on weight.
Animals must be born before April 15 of the current year and must have baby teeth at time of show.
Judge picks sale order. See Breeding Beef for points.
Department 68 - Dairy Cattle JUNIOR
Same rules as Breeding Beef apply.
Department 26 - Feeder Steers JUNIOR
There will be 3 classes of the following weights: class 1: 450-600, class 2: 601-750, class 3: 751-900
All breeds will be shown together and classes will be divided by weight. See above weights.
Show ring placing will be by the official judge. Judges will pick sale order.
POINTS 1 2 3 4 5
50 40 30 20 10
Department 27 - Market Steers JUNIOR
901 lb. Up POINTS (Will be 3 classes) Light, Medium, and Heavy
POINTS 1 2 3 4 5
100 90 80 70 60
All market steers make premium sale. Judge will select sale order.
Department 29 - Breeding Swine OPEN (Registered)
Department 30 - Breeding Swine JUNIOR (Registered)
An exhibitor is limited to two entries per class. Registration papers required upon entry.
Breeding Swine (Registered) Sections
Poland China
Chester Whites
Other recognized breeds​
Breeding Swine (Registered) Classes
A. February Gilt
B. March Gilt
C. April Gilt
POINTS 1 2 3
35 25 20
Department 40 - Market Swine JUNIOR
POINTS 1 2 3 4
50 40 30 25
CLASSES: Classes will be divided as evenly as possible according to weight for market animals. There is no minimum weight, maximum weight is 280 pounds. There will be five to ten classes based on the number of head entered. Grand and Reserve winners will make sale. The judge will select sale order.
Any hogs that do not meet minimum weight will be shown in a feeder class. These animals will not be eligible for premium sale.
Any hogs that are showing at the 2024 State Fair will be required to have 840 premise tags.
1. Animals entered in the breeding classes must be registered in the owner's name by July 31st.
2. Registration certificates must be available for inspection at the show and the animals must be wearing the association ear tag or tattoo.
3. Individuals in lamb classes must have lamb teeth and be born after September 1. Yearlings may have four permanent teeth.
4. Exhibitors will be limited to three (3) entries in market lamb classes.
5. Exhibitors will be limited to two (2) entries per class in the breeding sheep show.
6. Must have a scrappie tag in ear.
Department 41 - Breeding Sheep (Registered) OPEN
Department 42 - Breeding Sheep (Registered) JUNIOR
A. Columbia, Corredale
B. Dorset
C. Hampshire
D. Rambouillet
E. Shropshire
F. Southdown
G. Suffolk
H. Hair sheep (any brand)
1. Yearling Ram
2. Senior Ram Lamb (born Sept. 1 - Dec. 31)
3. Junior Ram Lamb (born on or after Jan. 1)
4. Yearling Ewe
5. Senior Ewe Lamb (born Sept. 1 - Dec. 31)
6. Junior Ewe Lamb (born on or after Jan. 1)
POINTS 1 2 3 4 5
JUNIOR 35 25 20 20 20
Department 43 - Market Lamb JUNIOR
Minimum weight on market lambs is 70 pounds. No maximum weight.
1. Light Market Lamb
2. Medium Market Lamb
3. Heavy Market Lamb
POINTS 1 2 3 4 5
JUNIOR 50 40 30 25 25
Department 44 - Commercial Ewe
Section A:
Class 1 Lightweight
2 Medium Weight
3 Heavy Weight
Department 45 - Dairy Goat OPEN
Goats must be in place by noon Tuesday.
POINTS 1 2 3 4 5
JUNIOR 35 25 20 20 20
OPEN 25 20 15 10 5
Department 46 - Dairy Goat JUNIOR
Recorded Grades
Junior Doe Division
(Does under 24 months of age that have never freshened.) Age calculated by day of show.
1. Junior Kid 0-3 months of age
2. Intermediate Kid 4-6 months of age
3. Senior Kid 7-9 months of age
4. Winter Kid 12 months of age
5. Yearling Kid 13-24 months of age
Senior Doe Division
(Any doe that has ever freshened or is milked regularly.)
6. Does under 2 years of age.
7. Does 2 years of age.
8. Does 3 years of age.
9. Does 4 years of age.
10. Does 5 years of age.
Department 47 - Market Goat JUNIOR
1. Each exhibitor may nominate four goats but only three may be shown.
2. Both does and wethers will be allowed to show.
3. Minimum weight will be 35 lbs. (no exception), no maximum. Entries will be divided by weight.
4. Judge will pick sale order. Alternates will be selected.
5. All goats must have baby teeth.
6. Any breed of goat or cross may be shown.
7. Market goats may be horned, but horns must be tipped.
8. Bracing allowed but all four feet must be on ground. Animal will be disqualified if feet are off ground. (Judge's discretion)
POINTS 1 2 3 4 5
JUNIOR 50 40 30 25 20
Awards will be presented to the first place winners in each age group. Youth must be registered exhibitors in the Junior Livestock Show to participate. Youth not exhibiting livestock in the Junior Livestock Show cannot participate. Selection of winners will be after the last regular class. Youth must show only an animal exhibited in regular show.
Age groups: Little Peewee Division: ages 3-5 (Little Peewee not eligible for points or Premium Sale - SEE RULES ON HOMEPAGE), Peewee Division: ages 5-8, Junior Division: ages 9-13, Senior Division: ages 14-19 (based on age on the date of the show)
Poultry for exhibit will be tested on Sunday September 1 from 5-7 p.m. at the Pike County Fairgrounds. $2.00 per bird will be charged for testing. All animals must stay on fairgrounds after testing and tattooing. Birds can only be tested on grounds. Not before!
Department 48 - 4-H Poultry Chain
Chickens will be exhibited by 4-H and FFA members participating in the poultry division. Grand and Reserve must stay until midnight Saturday.
PLACE 1 2 3 4 5
POINTS 40 35 30 25 10
Section A: Poultry Chain
1. Pen of pullets (3)
2. Single pullet per breed (2 per breed)
No 4-H poultry chickens will be entered as exotics.
Department 49 - Poultry OPEN
Department 50 - Poultry JUNIOR
Each exhibitor may show only two entries in each class of each breed.
1. All poultry must stay on fairgrounds after blood test.
2. Please include department, section, breed and class on entry form (ex. DEPT. 50 SECTION AM CLASS 1-cock)
3. Exhibitor is responsible for feed and water containers.
4. All poultry must be free from disease (see Arkansas Poultry rules).
5. Poultry, other than 4-H poultry chain birds, removed early are subject to forfeit all premium money.
6. Exhibitor will clean his/her area in the show barn after the release of his/her birds or he/she will forfeit premium money.
7. Premiums paid only on listed classes.
8. Birds will be placed in cages according to class.
PLACE 1 2 3 4 5
POINTS 10 8 6 4 3
Sections: Large Fowl
Standard Breed
1. Cock (male bird over 1 year old)
2. Hen (female bird over 1 year old)
3. Cockerel (male bird under 1 year old)
4. Pullet (females bird under 1 year old)
5. Old Trio (over 1 year)
6. Young Trio (under 1 year)
​7. Crazy Class (limit 3 - crossbred bird)
See the following for Sections and Breeds. If you have questions, call Billy Minton at (870) 867-7035.
Department 51 - Rabbits OPEN
Department 52 - Rabbits JUNIOR
All rabbits must be on fairgrounds by noon Monday. Premiums will not be paid until all pens are cleaned, including underneath. All rabbits are required to be tattooed and registered. Rabbit tattooing and registration will be Monday, Sept. 2 at the Fairgrounds from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Exhibitors are responsible for feeding and cleaning their own rabbits and pens.
PLACE 1 2 3 4 5
POINTS 10 8 6 4 3
A. Fancy
B. Commercial
1. Jr. Does 3-6 months
2. Intermediate Does 6-8 months
3. Sr. Does 6 months and up
4. Jr. Bucks 3-6 months
5. Intermediate Bucks 6-8 months
6. Sr. Bucks 6 months and up
7. Meat Pen (3 total - under 10 weeks - weight must be between 3.5 and 5.5 lbs.)
8. Single Fryar (under 10 weeks - weight must be between 3.5 and 5.5 lbs.)
9. Pet Pals (Crossbred rabbit - limit 3)